Quality management system

Reviewed and approved by the Strategic Planning and Quality Committee of the University. (Protocol No. 1 dated 19.09.2022)... PDF

The main goal of the internal audit organized at the university is to check the compliance of the current quality management system of the university with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001: 2015, as well as to determine the readiness of the school for external audit.

A comprehensive internal audit is conducted in all structural units of the university on the basis of an order from the president of the university to conduct an internal audit.

Before the start of the internal audit, a meeting of all heads of structural divisions is held, where the objectives of the internal audit, the specifics of last year’s audit, the audit program and schedules, groups of auditors and group leaders, the role of experts in the audit are explained. For corrective actions of responsible heads of structural divisions, a week is given.

In the course of internal audit, special attention is paid to aligning the quality objectives with the Strategic Plan, tracking and monitoring the planned process, measuring and analyzing, and managing documents. Also, for each structure, factors such as management analysis, compliance of structural provisions with job description requirements, information exchange and internal exchange, competence of personnel, awareness and readiness of heads of departments, customer satisfaction indicators and information on data analysis are taken into account.

In order to eliminate the identified inconsistencies in the internal audit and to ensure their duplication in all structural divisions, corrective action plans are developed. These plans indicate the employees responsible for their implementation, with an indication of the timing of corrective actions. Structural units should update the risks and opportunities, analyze the effectiveness of each corrective action. All copies of the acts are sent to the structural units, the originals are transferred to the Center for Strategic Planning, Rating and Quality.

— Internal audit

In accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015, an external audit is conducted by an independent auditing organization (Turkish Standards Institute – a partner of the system of international certificates IQNet TSE, Ankara).

The purpose of the external audit is to check and certify the existing quality management system for compliance with the requirements of international standards.

An opening meeting is organized in advance, where the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 are explained to the heads of departments. Initially, the external auditors analyze the results of the internal audit. The external audit also includes: a list of non-compliances revealed during the internal audit, ways to correct and eliminate them, additional information about the analysis and implementation of measures taken, a list of quality measures implemented during the year, improvement measures, corrective and preventive actions, analysis of hand leadership. The focus is on the following points:

-the presence and state of the system of processes in an educational institution, the management of this system;

– ways of planning, analyzing, reporting and corrective actions in each section;

– measures of warning.

During the external audit, the auditors will visit the structural units of the university and will pay attention to compliance with the requirements of the work, activity and regularity specified in the articles of ISO 9001: 2015.

— External audit 

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