Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering was founded in 2002. In the last 17 years the faculty name has been changed several times: “Natural Sciences and Engineering”, “Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering” and “Engineering”. Faculty of Engineering was founded to provide engineering and pedagogical specialists.
Main objectives of faculty of Engineering:
– Development and deployment of the modern, innovative educational programs and technologies in educational activities, enhancement of contents and methods of teaching, implementation of new forms of education;
– Continuous improvement of educational and methodical operations professorial преподавательского composition of faculty;
– Training of highly skilled bachelors and masters in the field of information technologies.
Tasks of faculty:
– Training of highly qualified graduates with profound theoretical and necessary practical knowledge;
– Support of quality of research and development operations professorial преподавательского composition of faculty for the purpose of integration educational process with science and productions;
– on the basis of the principles of the international educational exchange to enter the international educational space for the purpose of training of highly qualified specialists in the field of information technologies.

Инженерия факультеті

Инженерия, қысқы аралық аттестаттау,1-курс

Инженерия қысқы аралық аттестаттау 2-курс

Инженерия аралық аттестаттау 3-курс

Инженерия қысқы аралық аттестаттау Магистратура 1-курс

Инженерия қысқы аралық аттестаттау Магистратура 2-курс

Инженерия аралық аттестаттау,Докторантура

Қызметкердің аты-жөніҚызметіWhatsapр нөмеріКорпоративті почтасы (ayu.edu.kz)
1.Нажи ГенчДекан+90 555 418 03 21naci.genc@ayu.edu.kz
2.Исабеков Жанібек НазарбекұлыОқу- әдістемелік ісі  жөніндегі декан орынбасары8 702 809 76 66zhanibek.issabekov@ayu.edu.kz
3.Калимбетова Жансая СейдахановнаҒылым және тәрбие ісі жөніндегі декан орынбасары8 771 805 99 55zhansaya.kalimbetova@ayu.edu.kz
4.Казбекова Гүлнұр НагиметовнаКомпьютерлік инженерия кафедрасының меңгерушісі8 775 133 33 54gulnur.kazbekova@ayu.edu.kz
5.Компьютерлік ғылымдар кафедрасының меңгерушісі
6.Абдикулова Загипа КиргизбаевнаЭлектр инженериясы кафедрасының меңгерушісі8 701 572 02 44zagipa.abdikulova@ayu.edu.kz
7.Есенбекова Динара МанатбековнаӘдіскер8 775 160 90 77dinara.yessenbekova@ayu.edu.kz
8.Туршабаева Оразгуль МоминовнаХатшы8 778 405 51 75orazgul.turshabayeva@ayu.edu.kz



Departments of faculty have the certain scientific directions approved by the order of the president of university and registered in the National center of scientific and technical information:

1) Koyshiyev T. K. – “Renewable  energy source “.

2) Marasulov A. M. – “Modeling of processes in the field of Natural sciences and design of intellectual, information and program complexes”.

In April, 2015 professors of faculty of Engineering T. P. Raimberdiyev and K. K. Koyshiyev became owners of the grant projects financed from Turkey.

The most important indicator of efficiency of the educational program is training of the bachelor who perfectly knows competences of the specialty, is able to combine broad fundamental and practical preparation and to put the gained knowledge into practice.

Social, legal, information, communicative competences are formed both in educational process, and in social activities of the students. The university has sufficient material and personnel resources for management and improvement of these processes.

Ideological and educational work at faculty is referred on formation at students of an active responsible civic stand, fostering patriotism, love for the country, respect for traditions, cultural and moral wealth of the Kazakh people, aspiration for conscientious study, successful mastering the chosen specialty and the subsequent constructive labor, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prophylaxis of offenses. The system of ideological and educational work with students is focused on creation of the conditions promoting development and self-development of the person of the student, her socialization and self-realization.

In educational process continuity of tutorials and education is used. The fundamental principle of the organization of system of educational work is the effective combination of administrative and self-administrative mechanisms.

Student’s self-government – the initiative, independent and carried-out under responsibility of students of full-time courses activities for participation in the solution of the vital questions for the organization of training, life, leisure of students.

On the international cooperation the faculty has broad scientific contacts with Institute of problems of management (Russian Federation), Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Russian Federation), The Tashkent state technical university of A.R.Beruni (Uzbekistan), Haceteppe University (Turkey), Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey), Gazi  University (Turkey).

The Kazakh national technical university of K.I.Satpayev, The Almaty university of an energetic and management, The Samara state technical university have signed memoranda of understanding and cooperation.

Many of professors of faculty have certificates of “Microsoft Corporation” in the different directions..
Graduates of the faculty on the educational program of “Bolashak” studied in USA and Canada..
In Republican competitions of research works of students in natural, technical, social and humanitarian and economic science in higher education institutions of RK our students regularly become owners of prize-winning places.
From 2012-2013 academic years in a row 4 times all specialties of faculty of Engineering (100%) have taken prizes in the Republican Olympic Games.

At the faculty of engineering in the 2019-2020 academic year for distance learning were opened specialties in the following educational programs.

B011-training of teachers of Informatics 6B01511 – ” Informatics”»,

B057-Information technology 6B06151 – ” information systems»,

B057-Information technology 6B06152 – ” computer technology and software”»,

B062-electrical engineering and power engineering 6B07153 – ” electric power industry”»

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